Sunday, September 1, 2024

A Storm is Abrewin'

This week a good friend is coming over to try out my Jacobite Rebellion rules, The Rising of the Clans. I introduced Brett to wargaming back when he was in high school. In his 20s he went all in building up forces for the battle of Waterloo at 1/60. Once kids came along, though, he put the armies into storage and focused on his family and career. Once every few years we'd get together for a game, but that was about it. We are both retired now, however, and he lives just a few blocks away; I'm hopeful that we might be able to game on a more regular basis. The battle on the table this week features four brigades under the Bonnie Prince defending a key crossroads and town against General Hawley and his four brigades. Prince Charlie has two brigades of highlanders, a lowlander brigade, and a small brigade of French regulars. General Hawley has two brigades of regulars in his front line and a brigade of Dutch and a brigade of militia units in reserve. Each commander has an aide de camp at his disposal. Here is a look at the set up on the eve of the battle.

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