Saturday, June 22, 2024

Rising of the Clans Tutorial Part 2

Most of the mechanics of the rules were covered in the last posting. Turn five saw the Scots drive in the Government center while Cholmondeley's regiments held firmly against Perth's lowlanders. One regiment rolled particularly well and received three actions. This allowed them to fire, reload and then fire again with devestating results. Turn six opened the door to two elements that have not yet been covered: leader casualties and brigade morale tests.
On this turn three of the Government commanders were within three inches of units that suffered casualties, therefore, they had to take a test at the end of the turn to see if they were hit. Mordaunt was the first to test. He rolled a ten meaning he had been lightly wounded. He would remain in play but would not be allowed to attach to a unit to add a bonus in mele.
Next to test was the aide de camp. He rolled an eight indicating that he had not been hit.
The last to test was Cholmondeley. He rolled a 12, meaning that he had been killed!
His death would cause his brigade to take a break test. A single die was rolled coming up a five. However, there was a minus one modifier for their leader being killed or mortally wounded. The entire brigade had to withdraw ten inches. They were able to limber up their gun and take that with them. Cholmondeley's card will now be removed from the deck meaning this brigade will not be able to take any action until either the army commander or an aide de camp takes charge of the brigade. Ironically, where the Government line had been the most solid now became its weakest point.

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