Thursday, May 16, 2024

A Storm Is Coming!

Getting ready for another play test of my Rising of the Clans rules with two of my former students tomorrow morning. The scenario: November, 1745- Prince Charles has managed to raise a very large army, supplemented with a full brigade of French regulars. However, it took longer than expected and General Hawley has used the time well in raising a large army of his own. Hawley has brought his force to a small village on the eastern highway leading to Newcastle. Both armies have orders to convene at Bedford. Charles has three of his brigades with him as the sun rises: MacDonald’s cavalry, Roy Stewart’s highlanders and Olgivly’s lowlanders. His other four brigades are not far behind. Hawley has four brigades on the field deployed in two lines on the open space east of Bedford. He has chosen not to occupy the village. He has Legonier’s cavalry, Campbell’s brigade of militia and Mourdant’s and Lascelle’s brigades of regulars. His other two units are coming as quickly as possible, but it is not certain when or if they will arrive in time. Here is what the table looks like as action begins.

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