Sunday, July 14, 2024

AWI Collection for Sale

I think it is time to part company with my terrific collection of AWI figures. I do so very reluctantly, but my hope is that I can find a home for them where they will get a lot of action. They are all individually based for Sharp Practice. Most of the units have movement trays as you will see in the pictures. This is a really nice collection that will allow you to fight just about any type of scenario you can think of. It also includes a block house that I have had the troops fight over many times. Here is what I have: British 3 groups of 8 Line Infantry, Mounted officer, dismounted officer $80.00 3 groups of 8 Line Infantry Mounted officer, dismounted officer $80.00 I group of 8 grenadiers, officer $27.00 I group of 8 grenadiers, officer $27.00 1 groups of six skirmishers, two officers $24.00 1 group of eight light infantry, officer $27.00 2 groups of 8 Loyalist Infantry, officer $50.00 2 Artillery pieces with four crew each $34.00 1 group of 9 dragoons (metal Perrys) $72.00 2 groups of 12 Indians, two leaders $78.00 3 groups of 8 Hessian musketeers, two dismounted officers $78.00 3 groups of 8 Hessian fusiliers, two dismounted officer $78.00 2 groups of 6 Hessian jagers, officer $39.00 1 group of 8 Hessian grenadiers, officer $27.00 5 casualty figures $10.00 Total $711.00 Americans 4 groups of 8 Continental Infantry, mounted officer, dismounted officer $104.00 3 groups of 8 Continental Infantry, 2 dismounted officers $77.00 2 groups of 8 State Infantry, 2 dismounted officers $53.00 2 groups of 8 State Infantry, 1 dismounted officer $50.00 5 groups of 10 militia, 5 dismounted officers $165.00 3 groups of 6 Continental skirmishers, 3 officers $63.00 1 artillery piece and five crew $20.00 9 Continental dragoons (metal Perrys) $72.00 Total $604.00 1 blockhouse $40.00 Total for everything $1,355.00

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Few More Additions to the Jacobite Collection

As it has been said, a project is never REALLY over. I have added another unit of infantry to the Government forces. It is the fictional Duke of York Militia.
It has blue coats and buff facings. It's a 24 man unit. I also added an additional mounted figure to several of my Scotish command bases, along with enough casualty figures to give every regiment in the collection two casualty stands, plus one each for all the batteries. Finally, I picked up a couple of 28mm buildings that painted up very well. They are larger than the Hovel ones, but off by themselves they fit in quite nicely.
Now to fight the battle! It's off to a great start.Lascelle, on the Government left, is having a rough time against Stapleton's French regulars.
On the other end of the line, Wolfe has engaged with the divsions of Olgilvey and Roy Stewart. He also has his hands full, but both cavalry and infantry in immediate support.
I am loving these rules. Lots of twists and turns, to be sure. Great fun for solo games.

Still More Epic ECW Commission Work

I continue to crank out ECW units. This time around it is Scots, Royalists and some Irish foot. It's becoming a very impressive collection for my client.