Thursday, September 29, 2022

ACW Sharp Practice: Camp Raid

I did a small solo battle using some of my new ACW figures, including the Iron Brigade and the rebel cavalry. The Confederates were attempting to surprise some Yankees that had encamped in their territory. Things were going well until they weren't. The Union skirmishers activated rather quickly and alerted the rest of the force. One group of Union skirmishers caught the rebel cavarly in column cantering down the road and unloaded three volleys into them before the could react. On the other flank, the rebels were able to cross the bridge in force, form into line and then use their "rebel yell" card to charge, only to have a group of Berdan's Sharpshooters stall their attack. Then the Union cannon got into the act and shredded the regrouping line. That pretty much ended the game for all intents and purposes.

Latest Commission: Ancient Germans

I just finished a commission of 84 infantry and 12 cavalry of ancient Germans. 60 of the infantry are Victrix. The remainder of the figures are metal. I am not sure of the manufacturer.