Tuesday, February 16, 2021

More Figures for Sale

 I have another batch of figures for sale. This time it's Warlord Games Celts (40) and Romans (20).

Each is based and painted to a good wargaming standard. These re perfect for Infamy, Infamy or other similar skirmish games.

$130 plus postage

Friday, February 12, 2021

Hail Caesar Battle Set Up

 My Hail Caesar collection is built around the Punic Wars. I have Republican Romans, Carthaginians, Gauls, Numidians, Spaniards and Greeks. I recently added A LOT more Greeks. I love the shields, what can I say.

This scenario is loosely based on action during the 1t Punic War in Sicily. One one side are the Carthaginians and some Greek allies. They are pitted against more Greeks and Republican Romans. There are five divisions on each side, so it will be a large battle.

Two Greek groups occupy a hill.

The Carthaginians have three divisions.

More Carthaginians

An opposing Greek division of hoplites in reserve on a hill

A second Greek division

One division of Republican Romans

A second division plus a small division of cavalry

From behind the Grecko/Carthaginian line

Libyan infantry in reserve

Carthaginian cavalry

The Carthaginians try using elephants for the first time

I hope to be able to actually fight the battle in the next few days. I will post some reports once I do.

28mm Hoplites for sale

 I have 80 Warlord Games hoplites for sale. $120.00 plus actual shipping costs.

Sharp Practice Additions


I am at the stage now where I get to add some nice specialty pieces to round out my collections. The latest add was some dragoons for my AWI collection and some wagons for my ACW. These all came from Perry. The wagons only came with the ribbing for the canvas, so I tried my hand at doing some paper mache and I think it turned out pretty well. Here are some photos.

Second Continental Dragoons

17th Light Dragoons

These are the wagons.
CSA wagon

USA wagon

Friday, February 5, 2021

Victrix Additions for Hail Caesar

 The last couple of weeks I have been adding to my ancients collection. My Gauls were joined by 7 new units, three armored and four unarmored. I also added some Greek armored and unarmored hoplites plus a small group of archers. All of the armies now look quite formidable on the table top.

Armored Gauls

Unarmored Gauls


Mercenary Hoplites

Athenian Hoplites

Athenian unarmored hoplites

Roman allied legion

Roman legion

Roman legion

Spartan Hoplites