In two weeks, I have some former students and a friend coming over for a game of Fire and Fury. Due to some summer obligations, I had to set the game up early. It turned out great, in my humble opinion.
The scenario is from:
I love this series of books. This one is for Gettysburg. I chose the scenario that has Heth renewing his attack on McPherson's Ridge. It is a smaller battle compared to others, but it is perfect for our small group of gamers. There is lots of room on the table for some maneuvering, especially on the southern flank.
The Confederates have a slight edge in numbers, 10 stands of artillery to 6 for the Yanks, and about 10 stands more of infantry. The Union, however, has Meredith's crack Iron brigade to bolster the greener brigades of Baxter, Biddle and Dana. The vast majority of rebel regiments are green.
Baxter's brigade holds the Union right flank atop the ridge with help from a battery of U.S. regulars. |
Dana. rated a poor brigadier, holds a position along the pike. |
Brokenbrough's veteran brigade is positioned south of the pike. |
Daniel's untested brigade is to the north of the railroad cut. |
Pegram's battalion of artillery will support the assault. |
From behind Brokenbrough's brigade. |
The Iron Brigade is in an advanced position along Plum Run sheltered in some woods. |
Pettigrew's enormous brigade of green soldiers is on the rebel right flank. |
A view of the table looking towards the north. |
Biddle's brigade defends along a fence line on the crest of the ridge along with a New York battery. |
Pettigrew's men, ready to advance. |
The elite Black Hats of Meredith's brigade. |
Looking east from behind Brokenbrough's men. |
Daniel's brigade. |
General Heth will command the attack. |
I am really looking forward to getting together with these lads again. It will be the first time since COVID shut us all down. I will be sure to post a report once the game is in the books.