The first round of battles were concluded on day two. The French were declared winners agains their Austrian opponents while the Russians and Prussians battled to a draw. The second battles saw the French face off agains the Prussians and the Russians take on the Austrians. Each team was allowed to select one new brigade to add to their depleted forces and off we went.

This time around we allowed double movement to begin with to allow the two sides to get into the actual fighting faster. This proved to be a significant factor. The Russians advanced very rapidly toward their objective. But this allowed their Austrian adversaries to react in a telling way. The Russians advanced too far and received a thorough pounding from the deployed Austrians. The Russian grenadiers were particularly hard hit. However, the cavalry of the two sides fought to a draw at on end of the table.

In the other match, the French had tremendous success against the Prussians. Their cavalry was particularly fierce, destroying two brigades and capturing the Prussian objective almost before the Prussians knew what was happening. There were some very lucky dice rolls that came at critical time for the French.
Thursday will see the start of the third and final round of games. The Russians will try to tame the almighty French while the Prussians will try to redeem themselves against the now confident Austrians.
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