Turn 7- The French win the initiative and are determined to drive back the Dutch/Belgian right flank. All three battalions of the 4th Legere attempt to close but must roll a five or six to do so since Jamin has not yet come up with in command range. Two of the three battalions succeed! The 2nd Orange Nassau issues a very ragged volley and is only able to inflict one casualty. Both legere battalions pass morale which forced the Orange Nassau unit to test. They roll a six, but must subtract one for being 2nd line and two more for being in line formation. The result of three means the blue clad line must retreat half a move immediately. This means there will not be a melee, which is fortunate for the Orange Nassauers.
4th Legere attacks the 2nd Orange Nassau |
The 2/100th lose another three figures but somehow manage to pass the morale test and stand their ground. To their right, the 3/100th Ligne aligns itself to charge three companies of the 2/2nd Nassau. The village's garrison fire from their hiding places but don't do any damage.
No damage done. |
To make things a little more exciting and to touch on some other aspects of the rules, a brigade of cavalry arrives for each side.
The Dutch/Belgian cavalry arrive in line. |
The French lancers approach in column. |
Turn 8- The 2nd Orange Nassau complete their retreat move and await the pursuit of the 4th Legere. The 2/2nd Nassau forms line on the right to secure that flank while the 3/2nd goes into column due to the presence of enemy cavalry.
The 2nd Orange Nassau rallies, but is unformed with the French still coming at them. |
At the village, the 3/100 charges the village. A pathetic volley greets them, but is ineffective. The pass their morale and charge home. The defenders are equally resolved to hold their position, so a melee ensues. The French roll an 11 and add two for being infantry and two more for charging; a sum of 15. The Nassauers roll a five and get plus two for being in buildings for a total of 7. The difference is 8, which means that the Nassauers must rout out of the town on the next compulsory move.
The charge goes in. |
The Nassauers lose. |
In the movement phase, Gauthier's brigade forms into square as they see the Dutch/Belgian cavalry appear on the ridge before them. The lancer move up and prepare to charge.
Turn nine- The French win the initiative. The sun is setting in the west and as darkness draws across the field, Napoleon's legions will try to secure the victory. The 1/4th Legere boldly crashes into the rye fields in hopes of coming to grips with the 2nd Orange Nassau battalion. On the other end of the field, the 6th Lancers thunder towards the 2/2nd Nassau battalion.
The lancers charge forth and the Nassauers attempt to form square. They must roll a 9 or better to succeed. They roll a 10! |
In the movement phase, the 3/100th Ligne occupies the portion of the village that it secured. They must roll a formation test to see if they end up formed, but they fail, and are unformed. Regardless, they have attained a foothold in the center of the enemy line.
A foothold in the town! |
During the movement phase, the Dutch/Belgian cavalry form into columns. This formation will be much more suitable if they are to navigate the checkered battlefield.
And so it all comes down to the final two melees of the game. On the French left, the 1/4th Legere plunges into the rye field in an attempt to finally put the 2nd Orange Nassau to flight. In desperation, the 2nd Orange Nassau fires a volley. They roll a double six! The stunned veteran Frenchmen falter and cannot go any further. Brigadier must once again roll to see if he is hit and a seven comes up. He is lightly wounded for the second time. The attack on the French left has been repulsed.
For the third time in the game! |
Jamin is wounded yet again. |
And so, it will all come down to a cavalry charge. The lancers close with the men in dusty green uniforms and roll a 4. They add three for being lancers, two for charging, and two more for being lancers against infantry: 11. The Nassauers roll an 8. They add two more for being infantry and then an additional four for being in square: 14; a difference of three. The lancers are defeated and must retreat. The Nassauers, despite having their numbers halved for being infantry versus cavalry, still take out three of the cavalrymen, and entire stand. The losing cavalry cause one casualty for every 8 figures. There are 24 in the unit, so three Nassauers are lost. But the square has held and the last ditch efforts of Foy have come up short.
Squares are very hard to beat in these rules. |
So I am going to call the game as a minor victory for the Perponcher's Dutch/Belgians. It was a close call for them. Their lucky dice rolling was the major difference. Three double sixes put the French back on their heels. And a lucky roll of 10 to form square more than likely saved the Nassauers from destruction. But that's what makes this game so much fun. You never know what will happen next.
Nice tutorial Duke, handy when you have double sixes in the bag 😉 👍🏻