Friday, July 29, 2016

ECW Commission

I am on to my next commission.  This is in a period I have never done before, the English Civil War.  The figures are all from Warlord Games, mostly plastic, but several metal models added in.  This has been a fun challenge.  The uniforms are varied, so lots of different colors/highlights for each unit.  It takes more time, but isn't as boring as painting scores of soldiers in the same kit.  I have put a dent in the project by completing the Royalist infantry, three regiments of 26 figures each.  Here are a couple of photos.

This is Newcastle's Regiment in white coats.

This is Tiller's Regiment in green coats.
Today I am going to finish a cannon and crew, a few preachers, and get a start on 12 Royalist dragoons.  After that, it's on to the larger force of Scottish Convenaters.  I have much to do before I have to head back to school.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, especially the white coats I like the blue regiment piled up in the back of shot! Have fun with the covenanters.
    Best Iain
