As with any set of wargaming rules, there is a learning curve. After my first game I realized I had done a couple of things wrong, so I had another go at it. This time I made deployment points and used them. The French had some extra points to supplement their force with, so they chose a scout which gave them a second deployment point to use.
British deployment point |
French deployment point |
The other thing I did was use the point system to make sure that each force was equal. There were a total of 104 points on each side. I added an artillery piece to the British side to give me some experience with how to handle guns.
Artillery tearing up a French formation. |
In the picture above, I had hoped to charge the unsupported gun with the French formation on the hill, but the number of shock points they had accumulated meant that they needed to roll an 8 or higher to close. I didn't have any command chips handy, so I chose not to risk it. I fired a volley instead and took out a gunner and inflicted three shock points.
Another thing I am learning is that skirmishers and light infantry are quite vulnerable. Initially, I was pleased that they could pop away and be a nuisance, but then the formation they were shooting at got to return fire and literally blew them apart. I gave them the cover bonus for being skirmishers, but even so, they don't hold up well. A light company was forced to retire. I rolled a die and the British morale was lowered one point. A French skirmish group had the same trouble against three groups of British infantry.
A group of the 95th
Rifles suffers 3 losses and several shock points as a result of a volley from a French formation of two groups. |
The French dragoons cantered down the road into range of a group of 95th Rifles. The Rifles got to take a shot and killed on trooper and inflicted some shock. This was enough to cause the French horsemen to retire and await an opportunity to make an impact. On their left, a large formation of German infantry advanced to attack the village and its Spanish garrison.
Germans making their way toward to the village |
On the British left, the artillery forced back a formation of two French groups while three groups of the 28th Foot pushed into a wood and drove back a group of skirmishers.
French infantry retires behind a hill to escape another blast of canister from the British gun. |
The 28th Foot clears the wood of a pesky group of French skirmishers. |
As play ended for the day the Anglo/Spanish force still had a firm hold of the town, but its light infantry contingent had been whittled down considerably. Additionally, two formations of French and German infantry were drawing closer to contact.
I did a better job this game of remembering to roll to see if leaders were hit when casualties were inflicted on groups they were attached to. I also had a better feel for how to use the command chips, though it will take some time to become proficient with them.
Here's a link to a Youtube video I put together:
Youtube link
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