Monday, October 21, 2024

Battle of Lachlan's Cross Turns 4-6

Turn 4- Turn four does not start well for the Jacobites. Dupont rolls a "12" trying to activate his first unit, bringing his initiative to a halt. His units will remain as the are. This is particualarly perious for Regiment Dillon as they are in a march column within range of both jusketry and artillery.
The next card drawn is Cholomondeley's. Predictably, he foucuses his attention on the vulnerable men in Dillon's regiment. The combined musketry and cannonade inflict 25% casualties. His fire upon Olgilvy's men, however, is ineffective.
The two battalions of Gordon's lowlanders return fire with great affect. Cholmondeley's battery is decimated as is Price's regiment.
on the opposite flank, legonier's cavalry advance to support Lascelles, whose counterbattery fire pummels Murray's artillery, rendering them ineffective.
Lascelles also dispatches the 4th Foot to a position along the river bank to protect his left flank.
Turn 5- Things heat up on Cholmondeley's front. One of his regiments is able to form line in front of his cannons and fire a crippling volley into Ogilvy's Edinburg regiment. The conscripts are reduced to breaking point and flee the field. Price's men continue to take a beating on the extreme left of the line.
Dupont is finally able to get his men into motion, but only slowly. His formidable artillery unlimbers and one of his regiments is able to get off a stinging volley into one of Cholmondeley's battalions.
On the other end of the field, Murray orders two of his regiments to charge on of Lascelles' units. They come up short and must endure a scathing volley from the well-drilled redcoats and lose a quarter of their number as a result.
At the end of the turn, a brigade of Dutch joins the confligration as does Macdonald's Jacobite small contingent of cavlary.
Turn 6- lMacdonald's horsemen move cautiously towards the battle raging all along the line.
Casualties mount on both sides of the river as volleys belch forth great clouds of white smoke.
Dupont orders one of his regiments into line along the stone wall bordering the field to shore up his vulnerable right flank.
The turn ends with Lord Murray attaching himself to his two regiments, urging the forward in a last ditch attempt to break Lascelles' line. The heroic effort manages to drive back the thin red line, but just barely, and Lord Murray is wounded in the effort.

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