Well, as is typical of me, when I jump into a new project I go all in. In the last two weeks I have been busy building up two forces for Flames of War. I started with a U.S. rifle company. Then I received the Flames of War started set and added a German infantry company, three Stugs, two Pak 40 guns, a platoon of U.S. paratroopers, six Shermans and two fireflies. As it that weren't enough, yesterday I picked up five Panzer IVs and a couple of ruined buildings. I also scratch built about 20 "dug in" positions that turned out better than I had hoped they would. Here are some shots of the guys out on the table. Now I just have to keep working at learning the rules.
US paratroopers LMG teams and bazooka team dug in |
Dug in US rifle platoon |
Dug in US weapons platoon |
These are the new buildings put out by the people who used to be JR Miniatures. Very nice. Removable roofs. The white one even has a second floor. Perfect for Flames of War. |
US paratrooper platoon. Two teams are hidden in the buildings. |
The armored contingent. Two platoons plus a command |
Another shot of the weapons platoon. |
To face this force is a formidable group of Germans.
German infantry. I can go with three platoons of four stands each or two platoons of six stands each. |
Another platoon. |
The PAK 40s. I like how the bases turned out on these. |
The new Panzer IVs. I was even able to get the tine decals of vehicle numbers onto the turrets. |
The stug platoon. |
I picked up a book that will allow me to build equal forces in terms of points. This, I am sure, will only cause me to buy more units so I have the ability to make a wider variety of forces. But for now, I think what I have will give me enough to try many elements of the rules. The videos online are helpful, but I need to play the situations out on my own to get a better feel for the mechanics.
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