Each summer I take up a project that usually goes into my wargaming class's curriculum the following summer. This year I am putting together a collection to be able to do Sharpe's Practice for Napoleonics. I have a large collection to do the French and Indian War that has proven to be a lot of fun.
I purchased three lots of figures from Blue Moon. Company strength is 12 figures, 13 if there are two officers instead of just one. I will have cavalry. Each side will have a squadron made of of two troops with each troop being made up of 10 figures. Both forces will also have a three gun battery of artillery including limbers and ammunition wagons.
The French infantry is made up of three battalions, two line and one light. Each battalion has five companies, two of which are grenadiers and skirmishers. The British have two battalions, the 1/28th and 1/42nd, made up the same as the French. And then there are 15 figures for the 95th Rifles.
I tried out the figures in a small action pitting three companies of British, including the 95th, against a full French battalion of five companies. Col. Fosdick of the 28th Foot has been given the task of defending a village against the advance guard of a French column. I have run through several turns and the French appear to have a slight edge. Col. Artois of the 63rd Ligne has successfully led two of his companies against the 95th Rifles. He caught them with their Baker rifles unloaded and drove them back. The Rifles lost their beloved sergeant in the hand to hand fighting for the garden wall.
Two Companies of the 63rd Ligne charge the garden wall. |
Sharpe's men have been driven back, losing six men and suffering 7 fatigue points. |
On the other flank, "B" company of the 28th has been able to hold off the 63rd's grenadier company. The cover of the wall has given them a significant advantage in the firefight. But while the grenadiers have been distracting "B" company, company "C" of the 63rd has worked its way to the British flank, threatening the entire position.
The grenadiers are taking losses trying to tie down "B" company |
"C" company can be seen in the background attempting to get to the British flank |
A detachment of "A" company is sent to bolster "C" company's position. |
The detachment is surprised by the swift advance of the 63rd's "C" company. |
I really enjoy this set of rules. It reminds me of the battles my cousin and I would have in our backyard which always took on the feel of a movie plot. Sharpe's Practice has that idea clearly in mind.
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