Sunday, May 29, 2016

Perry ACW Conversions

The Perry ACW Battle in a Box is a great deal, but it does have a couple of glitches.  One was that the number of zouave figures included is 24 when the regiment size is 18.  One answer I have heard was that this was intentional as some regiments had only a company of zouaves.  The six extra figures allows one to recreate this.  However, I think it has more to do with the way the Perrys do their sprues.  Regardless, I had six odd figures and decided to try to build a Confederate unit around them.  I found a couple of nice pictures on the internet to give me some ideas; I replaced a couple regular heads with some of the extra zouave heads, painted up the hats as being straw ones, and brushed red over some jackets to make them appear as the red undershirts some of Wheat's men wore.  This is the result.

I am very pleased with the result.  It's colorful and fairly well animated.  I though the pants turned out better than I thought they would.  It took a little effort, but it was well worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great Duke, certainly has given the unit a lot of life and animation not to mention colour! Nice job!!!
