Thursday, April 9, 2020

Making the Most of this Sheltering in Place

These are certainly strange times, but as the weeks crawl by I believe many of us are finding constructive ways to put the spare time to good use. For me, I have been able to complete paperwork for my retirement in June. I have also picked up some commission work which has been fun.

Yesterday I finished painting up 96 Elite British Napoleonics plus a mounted officer:

I also based some Macedonian pikemen.

And finally, I finished a couple of battalions for my own collection. These are the two regiments of the Garde du Paris.

Today I am working on some Spartan light infantry to round out that collection on this rainy day in Southern California. A blessed Holy Week to you all!


  1. That's an impressive pike block! You seem to paint quiet quick, compared to me. BTW, here in Belgium it is abnormal hot for the time of the year.

  2. Good you got a couple of interesting units for your own collection done, the commission looked a big job.

  3. Woah...there's a chap taking this extra time seriously! Well done!
