Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Enlarged Roman Army for Hail Caesar

 I picked up a batch of Victrix ancients online and amongst them was a bag of armored and unarmored Republican Romans. I wasn't quite sure how I wanted to fold them into my existing army, but in reviewing an army list that I had filed away I noticed that each legion had two units of hastati and principes and just one of triarii. My four legions just had one of each, so I decided to add a hastati and a principes to each legion. I finished the project today. The only addition I plan to make is to get a bag of Republican cavalry. The 16 figures will allow me to add a cavalry unit to each legion. Here is the army as it looks now.

This is the whole army, comprising of Roman legions and an allied legion

The allied legion, with Samnite light infantry in the fore.

The IV legion, rated levy

III legion

II legion

I legion, rated veteran

Below are shots of each unit from behind. 

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