Well, if you have the figures you just have to have a game with them. I put my Celts on the table to face off with my new Roman legions. I am still trying to learn the Hail Caesar rules, so this is great practice.
I thought turn one would be rather uneventful, but it turned out to be very active. The Celts had the first initiative and rolled well on their command rolls. All but one of their divisions advanced two or more moves towards the Romans. This sparked some close range firing.
On the Roman turn, the legions sent forth their velites to try to drive in the Celtic skirmishers. They also launched a couple of charges with their heavier infantry with mixed results. The pictures below will tell the story.
On the Roman right, their Samnite allies chose not to wait to be assailed by the large warbands and took the battle to them. Two Samnite unites fought to a draw with these naked warriors. |
In the center, velites were able to break a small unit of Celtic skirmishers. |
On the Roman center/left, a cavalry unit rolled "12", followed by a roll of "6," meaning they had to charge straight ahead into a large Celtic warband. Rolling 8 dice, they were only able to inflict 2 wounds on the group. They, however, sustained 5 casualties and were driven back in disorder. |
On the extreme Roman left, the Celtic cavalry had three moves to get right up to the inexperienced Roman legion on this flank. Their short-range fire didn't accomplish much. The Romans chose to use their turn to charge all along the line. One unit of hastati was driven back, while the other supported unit was able to fight to a draw. The velites worked their way around to the flanks to pester the rest of the division. |
Another shot of the action in the center. |
A close-up of the Samnites charge on the right.
The Roman cavalry trying to regroup. |
A shot from behind the Roman left. |
I needed to check a couple of things in the rules, especially regarding special traits of certain units. Otherwise, I think I am getting the hand of things. I am looking forward to continuing tomorrow.
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