Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Sharp Practice Upcoming Game: The Colonel's Wine

After a couple of years, two friends are coming over Sunday afternoon for a game of Sharp's Practice. The forces are equal in points, but the French outnumber the Brits as the Brits are better quality troops. The scenario involves some of the best wine on the Peninsula. The vineyard at a small church in western Spain produces some of the best grapes in the region. The French colonel, a man of extravagant tastes, has heard of it and has ordered a detachment to fetch him some. The British have gotten wind of this and will do their best to prevent this from happening so they can secure the elegant vintage for their brigadier general. I have a couple of vineyard pieces that I have just added to my collection that will sever nicely as a centerpiece for the battle. This is one of the vineyard sections with the church behind it. The wine barrels will be in the courtyard on the side of the church.
This is the French entry point.
The French force:
It is comprised of one large unit of four groups, a unit of three groups, a unit of two groups, one group of grenadiers, a group of dismounted dragoons, two groups of voltigueres and a supply wagon to take the wine back on. The British entry point is on the opposite end of the table:
This is the British force:
It is made up of a unit of three groups of infantry, a unit of two groups of infantry, a group of grenadiers, two groups of 95th Rifles, two groups of skirmishers and a supply wagon. Units using the roads and in a column will get to add a die to their dice roll. There are also little groups of livestock scattered on the table that will be worth points if they are collected. The winner, though, will be the side that secures the wine onto thier supply wagon and is able to get it at least one move back towards their end of the table. Here are more shots of the table.

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