Friday, October 23, 2020

Take The Blockhouse Turns Six and Seven

 Things have heated up considerably. Musketry has erupted all along the table and losses are mounting. The valiant garrison of the blockhouse has lost 33% of its number. The loyalist regiment has lost 25%, having been subjected to a blast of cannister while in the open. Black Feather's Indians, facing ever increasing opposition, has pulled back deeper into the woods to regroup.

Turn 6, Hessians move into position

Turn 6, Continentals get closer

Turn 6, Indians feeling the heat

Turn 6, Col. Slaughter's infantry form into line.

On turn seven, the Hessians were able to form into line, and then using four flags, fired a fierce volley into the state line.

The British grenadiers pulled back to regroup.

Turn 7, Slaughter's regulars advance into close range and present.

Turn 7, the American artillery fire cannister into the Royalist infantry

Turn 7, American militia and riflemen

Turn 7, Black Feather withdraws into the wood to regroup

The Royalist regiment is rocked by the rebel cannon.

Turn 7, the strengthening American line.
Along with getting in these two turns, I was able to sell my Austrian landwehr as well as finish up a commission of 288 15mm Old Glory Austrian militia. It has been a good week hobby wise.

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