Saturday, November 21, 2020

Battle of Miller's Crossing turns 5, 6

 Today's action was quite dramatic. Tension built with each drawing of a chip from the bag. The use of flags was critical to the play, as will be shown in the narrative.

Turn 5: The Confederate commander took advantage of three flags to seize the initiative and move three groups up the road and into line. This would enable them to punish any Union troops trying to make it across the bridge in column.

However, the Union commander's lead formation was able to cross the bridge, then quite fortuitously drew four flags which allowed him to get a second turn with his lead formation. He used it to form into line and present. This set up a very tense situation for turn 6 as each side hoped to fire first.

Both sides await the first volley. Who will get it?

Other Union units advance down the road.

Union skirmishers cross the stream.

A Confederate formation advances.

Berdan's men advance to a fence to provide support.

Turn 6: The chips were drawn, and in short order the Union had three flags. These were used to fire a controlled volley into the gray line. Three were killed and significant shock was accumulated. A couple of other of units were able to move, and a red flag appeared just before the Tiffin chip. This allowed the rebels to return fire. Their volley was diminished, however, by the large amount of shock, and the Union line suffered only two dead and a much smaller amount of shock.

A rebel formation advances into some woods to support the right flank of the main force.

Other Union formations continue to move down the road toward the bridge.

Both sides await their fate. The drawing of each chip was quite exciting.

The Union drew a very important third flag which allowed them to fire first.

The rebel line was staggered by the close range musketry.

The rebs were able to use their one flag after the Tiffen card was drawn, but their volley was not nearly as deadly.

The Confederate formation is moving into a very advantageous position.

Will the Union commander be able to get reinforcements across the bridge in time to continue to the attack?

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